Empowering audit, risk, and compliance professionals with the tools and insights for their continued success and growth!

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2025 Course Catalog (click here download catalog file)
Typical time frames are suggested to help you create a program that best fits your needs.
7 Questions You Must Ask in Every Walkthrough / Interview (4 CPE)
A-123 Compliance (16 CPE)
Accounting & Auditing (A&A) Update (4 CPE)
Accounting Concepts for Internal Auditors (4 CPE)
Accounting Foundations for Internal Auditors (8 CPE)
Advanced Auditor Training (16 CPE)
Advanced Internal Auditing (16 CPE)
Advanced Project Management (8 CPE)
Advanced Risk Based Internal Auditing for Supervisors (1 day)
AML Audits (1 day)
Anatomy of an Internal Audit (1 day)
Applying Creativity and Innovation to Any Career (1 day)
Assessing Corporate Culture (1 day)
Audit Manager (3 days)
Audit Readiness (1 day)
Audit Sampling and Testing Methodology (1 day)
Auditing Accounts Payable (1 day)
Auditing and COSO Principles (2 days)
Auditing Application Controls (1 day)
Auditing Change Management (1 day)
Auditing Concepts for Capital Markets (1 day)
Auditing Derivatives (2 day)
Auditing for Efficiencies (1 day)
Auditing Investment Products (2 day)
Auditing Investments and Derivatives (4 days)
Auditing Mortgage Banking Processes (1 day)
Auditing Mutual Fund Activities (1 day)
Auditing Not for Profits (1 day)
Auditing Oversight / Governance Functions (2 day)
Auditing Overview (1 day)
Auditing Procure to Pay (1 day)
Auditing Travel & Entertainment Expenses (1 day)
Auditing Using COSO 2013 (1 day)
Auditor-in-Charge (AIC) (3 days)
Auditor Essentials (24 CPE)
Banking Supervision and Basel II Reviews
Beginning Auditor Bootcamp (4 days)
Better Governance, Risk, and Control (GRC) (1 day)
Book Club for Millennials (4 day)
Branding and Marketing Your Internal Audit Activity (1 day)
Branding Your Internal Audit Activity Workshop (1 day)
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster Recovery (4 days)
Business Writing for Results (1 day)
CIA Exam Preparation* - Comprehensive (10 days)
CIA Exam Preparation* - Comprehensive Part 1 (2 days)
CIA Exam Review* - Intensive (5 days)
CIA Exam Review* - Intensive Part 1 only (1 day)
CIA Exam Review* - Intensive Part 2 only (1 day)
CIA Exam Review* - Intensive Part 3 only (2.5 days)
Communicating Audit Results (1 day)
Communicating Bad News (1 day)
Communicating Bad News for Auditors (1 day)
Communication Skills (4 days)
Computer Assisted Audit Tools/CAATs (1 day)
Conflict Management (1 day)
Continuous Auditing (1 day)
Continuous Auditing & Data Analytics (2 days)
Continuous Monitoring (1 day)
COSO 2013: Getting the Most from the Updated Framework (2 days)
Creating the Integrated Auditor (4 days)
Creating Your Audit Program (1 day)
Critical Thinking for Auditors (2 days)
Critical Thinking for Everyone (1 day)
Critical Thinking & Root Cause Analysis for Business Professionals (2 days)
Critical Thinking for Everyone (2 days)
Critical Thoughts on Critical Thinking (1 day)
Customer-Centric Audit Methods (1 day)
Customer Relationship Management (2 days)
Deliberate Risk Management (2 days)
Effective and Efficient Process Mapping (1 day)
Effective Use of Automated Audit Tools, including CAATs (1 day)
Engagement Planning & Engagement Level Risk Assessments - Workshop (2 days)
Enterprise Level Risk Assessment / Annual Audit Planning - Workshop (1 day)
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) (2 days)
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Using COSO 2017 (2 days)
ERM: COSO 2017 (1 day)
ERM: The Foundations (1 day)
ERM and A-123 (2 days)
ERM Implementation (1 day)
Establishing a World-class Internal Audit Function (1 day)
Executive Training on Risks, Controls, and Internal Auditing (1 day)
Facilitating Fraud Risk Assessments (1 day)
Facilitation Skills (1 day)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (FDICIA) Basics (1 day)
Financial and Managerial Accounting: A CIA Perspective (2 days)
Financial Reporting for IT Auditors (1 day)
Financial Reporting for IT Professionals (1 day)
Financial Statement Analysis and Fraud (1 day)
Financial Statement Fraud (1 day)
Flowcharting (2 days)
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Reviews (1 day)
Fraud for Financial Services (1 day)
Fraud Investigations (1 day)
Fraud Risk Assessment - Workshop (4 days)
Fraud Risk Assessments (1 day)
From Risks to Roots (using Root Cause Analysis in the Risk Assessment) (2 days)
Fundamentals of Internal Auditing (2 days)
Getting Buy-In on Audit Findings (1 day)
Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC): The Basics (1 day)
Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC): From Good to Great (1/2 day)
Government A&A Update (1 day)
History and Basics of Sarbanes - Oxley (SOX) (1 day)
How to Audit Information Technology General Controls (ITGC) (1 day)
How to Turn an Audit into an Advisory Engagement (1 day)
Implementing Data Analytics (1 day)
Implementing Risk Management (1day)
Implementing SOX and FDICIA (2 days
Implications of IFRS on Internal Audits (1 day)
Improving Your Audit Department’s Performance and Best Practices (1 day)
Integrated Auditing (4 days)
Integrated Auditors (4 days)
Intelligent Internal Controls (2 days)
Internal Audit: Theory vs. Reality (1 day)
Internal Audit 101: New Auditor School (2 days)
Internal Audit 301: Senior Auditor School for Banking (4 days)
Internal Audit Basics (1 day)
Internal Audit Consulting Principles (2 days)
Internal Audit Green Belt (Six Sigma) (4 days)
Internal Auditing for Banks and Financial Institutions (2 days)
Internal Controls (2 days)
Interviewing Skills: 7 Questions You Must Ask (1 day)
Interviewing Skills: Getting the Information You Need (1 day)
Interviewing Skills for Auditors (2 days)
Introduction to Internal Auditing (1 day)
Introduction to IT Auditing (1 day)
Introduction to IT Auditing for new auditors and business auditors (1 day)
Introduction to Lean for Auditors (1 day)
Introduction to Six Sigma for Auditors (1 day)
Introduction to SOX (1 day)
Introduction to SOX - IT Focus (2 days)
Implementing SOX and FDICIA (2 days)
IT Application Controls (2 days)
IT Auditing for Non-IT Auditors (1 day)
IT Basics (2 days)
IT Governance (1 day)
IT Management Frameworks (1 day)
IT Oversight (1 day)
IT Risk Management (1 day)
ITGC (General Controls) for Beginners (1 day)
ITGC (General Controls) for Non-IT Auditors (1 day)
Leadership Skills: The Basics (1 day)
Leading Through Change: Innovation with Risk Assessments (1 day)
Making the transition to Internal Auditing (1 day)
Managing and Motivating Your Employees (1 day)
Marketing the Internal Auditing Activity…Strategies that Work (1 day)
Mid-level Auditor (3 days)
Mortgage and Lending Audits (1 day)
Modernization of Internal Audit (1day)
Negotiating Skills (1 day)
Not-for-Profit A&A Update (1 day)
Operational Auditing (2 days)
Organizational Value Creation: The COSO Way (1 day)
Out-of-Box Audit Testing (1 day)
Performing Operational Audits (2 days)
Performing Value-Added Audits (2 days)
Picture This: Data Analytics and Visual Reporting (1 day)
Pragmatic ERM (1 day)
Pragmatic FDICIA (2 days)
Presentation Skills (2 days)
Process Mapping (1 day)
Project Management (3 days)
Project Management for Auditors (2 days)
Quality Assurance Review (QAR): Prepare to Pass (1 day)
Raven's Agile Auditing (2 days)
Raven’s Extreme Risk-Based Auditing (2 days)
Reading People Like a Book Cover (1 day)
Revenue Recognition & Leases (1 day)
Refining and Mastering SOX (1 day)
Risk Assessments (2 days)
Risk Assessment & Audit Planning (3 days)
Risk Assessment & Internal Controls (2 days)
Risk Assessment Leading Practices (2 days)
Risk Assessments Done Right! (1 day)
Risk-Based Internal Auditing (3 days)
Risk-Based Internal Auditing for Audit Supervisors: Advanced (1 day)
Root Cause Analysis (2 days)
Root Cause Analysis for Auditors (2 days)
Sampling (1 day)
Sampling and Testing Techniques for Auditors (1 day)
Scoping ITGC Audits (1/2 day)
Senior Auditor School (2 days)
Setting Up Your Internal Audit Department (1 day)
Skills for Audit Success (4 days)
SOC Readiness (1/2 day)
SOX 404: Mastering the Review (1 day)
Strategic Planning and Risk Assessments (1 day)
Strategic Selling (3 days)
Supervising Audits & Auditors (2 days)
The Art of Negotiation (1 day)
The Chicken or the Egg: Strategic Planning or Risk Assessments (4 hours)
The Mindset of Making the Manager / Executive Successful (1 day)
Time Management Strategies (1 day)
Trends and Best Practices in Internal Auditing (1 day)
Understanding and Auditing Reputation (1 day)
Understanding and Implementing ERM (2 days)
Understanding COSO Internal Control Framework (1 days)
Understanding IT Frameworks (1/2 day)
Value Added Internal Audits (2 days)
Visual Reporting for Auditors (1 day)
What You Need to Know about Internal Controls (1 day)
Working with the Audit Committee (1 day)
Writing and Selling Observations (1 day)
Writing Effective Audit Reports (2 days)
YellowBook Primer (1 day)
Your Internal Controls (2 days)
• 200+ customized NASBA-certified courses
• Content created by instructional designers
• Topics may be combined to meet your needs
• All classes available in virtual/webinar delivery
• Most workshops linked to a unique course syllabus